meditations on the essence within


I am 26 years old, I’m in the prime of my youth, and I am searching for a more meaningful life. When I was 20 I realized that I was not living the life I had dreamed and instead was living the life I believed others had dreamed for me. I further realized that the only way to change this was to do something about it. This is where I first became aware of my need to wander and explore more of what life has to offer than just the ideas and beliefs that much of society holds as truths. There is no black and white in this world, only the deepest shades of grey. Once I understood this, the difficult part of my journey began. This difficult stretch has included my leaving the University of Southern California, moving back to Bozeman, Montana where I joined my dad’s business and became the Chief Operating Officer of a CPA firm, falling in and out of love several times, checking myself into the psychiatric ward at Swedish Hospital in Seattle after completely breaking down from a recent breakup, rebuilding myself from the bottom up before traveling to western Europe for ten weeks and beginning to finally feel at home, and then coming back to Bozeman afterwards feeling empty and confined in a backwards life I desperately wanted to distance myself from. It’s been two years since my trip. A lot has changed since then, but others are still being worked on.

Throughout my searching and wandering there have been certain guides, inalienable truths if you will, that have remained with me. These truths are life and nature, freedom of the human spirit, and expression of human experience. They have been with me as far back as I can remember and are the driving forces behind my continual search for beauty and meaning. Since I was a kid growing up in the isolated mountains of Montana, I’ve always dreamed of traveling the world and being a writer. These two ideas seemed ideal to me, my personal bliss. I’ve been working towards achieving both of those dreams with mixed success. Europe helped me begin my dream of seeing the world. I’m still searching to find my way about writing. The words came much more easily when I was twelve than they do now. A lot of this has to do with the pressure I put on myself and the lack of self-confidence that has been allowed to run rampant through me over my last 13 years writing. I am working to change this, and this is partly why I created The Writing Wanderer. It is a way for me to write and gain the confidence I so desperately yearn for and need if I am ever to put down a fraction of the ideas that have arisen in me over the years.

This is my stream of journeying. This is my path of wandering. This is my journey in life. Come. Join me. Perhaps we will both find something!

Riding the Burke-Gilman trail in Seattle by the shore of Lake Washington.

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meditations on the essence within

Jonathan Runyan

Finding the essence of presence within.

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